Nicholas Betty

Stories: 3

Stories by name

Ultimate Love - A Quest for Lasting Happiness
Ultimate Love - A Quest for Lasting Happiness
Chloe has had a tough life, one that most people would not wish on even their enemies. When her ex-boyfriend, who has refused to accept their breakup begins to stalk her, she flees the city, seeking a fresh start elsewhere, but this fresh start turns out to be a horrific one as fate is not done with her yet. Luckily, she meets Ethan, who himself is battling with certain issues, and she begins to fall in love with him. Ethan seems reluctant to have anything romantic to do with her because of his past experience, but just when he begins to have a change of heart, the past rears up its ugly head again, in a much worse way than before. Will these two be able to rise above the odds facing them and love each other completely as they deserve?
La novia sustituta y el esposo reacio
La novia sustituta y el esposo reacio
Carol siempre ha cubierto las espaldas de su hermana menor, Victoria, irresponsable y consentida, desde que eran niñas. Cuando Victoria le anuncia de improviso que se casará con un multimillonario a quien apenas conoce, Carol se queda atónita y trata de convencerla para que no lo haga. Sin embargo, el día de la boda, Victoria desaparece y es entonces cuando los padres de Carol le confiesan el terrible motivo por el que querían casar a Victoria con el multimillonario. Como es habitual, esperan que Carol solucione la situación y proteja el honor de la familia del escándalo y el peligro, asumiendo ella misma un rol inimaginable: casarse con el prometido de su hermana.
The Substitute Bride and the Unwilling Husband
The Substitute Bride and the Unwilling Husband
Carol has always taken the fall for her irresponsible and spoiled younger sister, Victoria right from when they were young. When Victoria reveals that she is getting married to a billionaire whom she does not know out of the blues, Carol is surprised and tries to talk Victoria out of it. On the day of the wedding, Victoria absconds, at which point Carol’s parents reveal the horrible reason why Victoria was to be married off to the billionaire to her. As usual, their parents want Carol to bail her sister out and save the family from shame and danger by doing the unthinkable...marrying her sister's fiancée. Now, Carol is married to this cold and brooding stranger, who himself only agreed to a contract marriage with her because he needs to find his missing ex. Carol begins to fall in love with him…but all of a sudden, she finds herself in a competition with the ex, who suddenly shows up just when Sebastian begins to fall for Carol too.
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